BrewDog Launch New Branding
13 August 2014

It's a story that will generate interest throughout the craft beer world as James Watt and Martin Dickie have unveiled the new BrewDog branding.
When BrewDog launched back in 2007 their bottle labels were an immediate hit with both the consumer and industry alike: very different to anything else out there at the time, very left-field and very punk.
It's a brand style that has carried them from start-up and selling their beers at local markets from the back of a beat up old van to now brewing over 50,000hl of beer each year, over 15,000 'Equity for Punks' shareholders and opening bars across the UK, Europe, Japan and South America.
"Change is tough." says James Watt on the BrewDog blog, "And this has been a tough process for us. But if we don’t evolve, we stand still. This extends to all elements of our business. We have evolved our brewery, our beers, our marketing and our bars with a view to constantly get better at what we do."
"We wanted to change because we felt the old labels were no longer quite right for us as a brewery. After seven years we felt they had become a bit too young, a bit neon and a bit tacky. Although they stood out, they did not reflect the craft heart and soul of our beer." adds James "This is also not something we have taken lightly or done quickly. We had 7 agencies from 3 different countries pitch us designs and concepts and we worked with our chosen agency for over 3 months to develop the final packaging and branding."
The new process has been one which BrewDog have shared 'warts and all' with the public and their shareholders, with postings on social media canvassing opinion and welcoming feedback.
The new look bottles, cans and font lenses are expected to be in full circulation in September 2014.
In addition to changing the branding BrewDog have also made a change to their core range of beers. Out goes 'Hardcore IPA' and 'Libertine Black' and in comes 'Brixton Porter'. (Don't worry if you're a Hardcore or Libertine fan - we'll still have them available periodically via our 'Limited Beer' program.)