Chimay: New labels, a new statement of identity
4 June 2014

The elegantly simple Chimay brand has evolved around the red, white and blue of its three main beers and their matching crown caps (which many refer to the beers by).
The launch of the new brand identity and labelling is described by Chimay as "a return to our roots is expressed in a sober, elegant style, inspired by three clear and considered choices".
Theses three choices are described as:
• Use of the historic Chimay colours, with form and gilding is a strong part of Chimay's history.
• Red, White and Blue - strong, pure colours which have identified Chimay beers for many years.
• An emphasis on Belgian roots and a Trappist identity.
To conclude, the re-branding is declared "a modern evolution which strictly respects the history of the Trappist Chimay brewery, giving full expression to the foundation of its beers".
For further details, visit the Chimay website at