Oktoberfest 2021 Preorder
29 June 2021

Our Oktoberfest 2021 range is now open for preorders. Although the iconic fest in Munich is cancelled this year (construction starts in April and it was too tricky to call), we can still help you bring the best of the fest to your customers with the widest range of Oktoberfest biers in the UK.
Oktoberfest serves as the perfect antithesis to the modern beer festival, there’s no need to queue for the latest soft serve adjunct stout or hype beer, here it’s all about the immense beer culture of Bavaria.
Each of the six classic Munich breweries (Hofbräu, Augustiner, Paulaner, Spaten, Löwenbräu and Hacker-Pschorr) produce a special ‘Festbier’ for the occasion, a strong and malty pale lager. These are served by the litre in the ubiquitous German Maß handled glass, brought to you at your communal beer- hall-style table by your waiter or waitress clad in their finest ‘tracht’, the traditional Bavarian dirndl or lederhosen. In 2019 over 7.3 million litres of beer were served, washing down half a million roast chickens and 75 thousand pork knuckles.

This year we're offering the official festbiers from Hofbräu, Spaten, Löwenbräu, Paulaner, and Hacker-Pschorr, all available in both keg and bottle. On top of this we'll also have festbiers from Bavarian classics Ayinger, Erdinger, and Weihenstephan. For the first time we'll also have the new Bayrisch Hell from our long time friends in the region, G. Schneider und Sohn.
For the authentic Oktoberfest vibe, we have Steins available from Hofbräu, Ayinger, and Erdinger. To deck your space out we can also offer POS kits free of charge.
Orders are required by July the 16th for fulfilment in September.
Please Note: we are unable to store pre-orders. Once the beer has arrived the complete pre-order will be delivered on your next order.