Some beers are big. Just a few are truly Gigantic.
31 July 2015

One brewery we immediately developed a huge admiration for was Gigantic Brewing Company.
Established by brewers Ben Love and Van Havig, both veterans of the Oregon brewing community, they are stoically independent and have vowed to “stay small, focusing on making exceptional beer rather than a lot of beer.”
Bringing decent quantities of great, fresh craft beer from America can be challenging at the best of times, but we're also massively excited about introducing Gigantic to the UK so conversations started to secure shipment of a pair of their permanent beers and a couple of their one-off releases.
They say: “At Gigantic we only do two things: make the best damn IPA in Portland and produce seasonal, exciting, flavourful beers, most of which will be brewed only once.”
So we're bringing in two of the “best damn IPAs in Portland” – Gigantic IPA and Ginormous IPA. Big beers at 7.3% and 8.8% respectively, packed to the brim with mighty hops, a real aroma hit and bitterness that just keeps getting bigger as you drink.
True to its name. Cascade, Centennial, Crystal and Simcoe create a citrusy hop confluence that continuously embiggens with each drink.
7.3% INDIA PALE ALE | 12 x 650ml bottles | 20 litre pub keg
Developed in a secret testing facility in Portland, GINORMOUS is powered by seven mighty hops. His mission is simple: to deliver a massive hop punch to those in need.
8.8% IMPERIAL IPA | 12 x 650ml bottles | 20 litre pub keg
Inspired by the Japanese flavour palette, UME UMAI is brewed in the ‘dry’ Asian manner. Fruity yet earthy and, above all, refreshing and delicious.
7.5% PLUM & BLACK RICE BEER | 12 x 650ml bottles | 20 litre pub keg
Who says wheat beers need to be mild? Redefining what wheat beer can be - boldly hoppy, crisp, clear(ish) and absolutely solid!
6.0% AMERICAN WHEAT | 12 x 650ml bottles | 20 litre pub keg
And as you'd expect, all Gigantic beers also come in big 650ml 'bomber' sized bottles. Speaking of which, you'll have noticed the label art? Each Gigantic Brewing beer label is designed by a different artist, each with complete creative freedom to allow their art and styles shine.
The first import from Gigantic beers will be with us October 2015 and we're already in-line to secure another batch later in the year.
If you're ready to supersize your US craft beer listings, then go large with Gigantic Brewing Company – exclusively from James Clay.