Starkbierfest Preorders
9 February 2022

The oldest beer festival in Germany and the first one in the diary every year. Starkbierfest is indeed upon us once more. Stock up and prepare to nourish yourself during Lent via delicious doppelbocks.
This year, for the first time we're able to beef up the range with the addition of three classic Starkbiers on draught. For 2022 we've got kegs of Ayinger Celebrator, Zotler St Stephans Bock, Lowenbrau Triumphator and the one that started it all: Paulaner Salvator.

As is tradition we've pulled together a range of the best offerings in bottle too.

Arguably the most highly decorated of the Starkbiers, Celebrator is the benchmark for the style. Dominantly malty, with tonnes of bready aroma. The rich darkest red pour eludes to its luxury. Plenty of chocolate and coffee follow up the 'liquid sandwiches feel' to balance the inherent sweetness of the Doppelbock style.

The original Starkbier, harking back almost 4 centuries and brewed with respect to the ancient recipe. The first to take the -ator suffix, and thanks to the Paulaner Monks' legal team, the inspiration for all of the other clever -ator names out there too.

A beer paying tribute to a legendary Munich Innkeeper Hans Steyrer, who among other incredible feats allegedly was able to lift a 259kg stone with a single finger. In his honour, there is still a strongman competition held at the Lowenbrau Keller.

You know them best for their utterly flawless Helles, but you're missing out if you've never tried their effort for Starkbierfest. Strong, and robust as you'd expect, but with a little lick of spice too.

One of the oldest Starkbiers still in production from the famous brewery that itself dates back to the 15th century. Over 600 years of tradition culminates in this deep mahogany Doppelbock with all the classic hallmarks, that eventually give way to notes of apricot and exotic fruit.

A delightfully Franconian offering, benefitting from the exceptional local malt, hops, and water in the Bavarian subregion. Complex decoction mashing brings forth a gloriously weighty body.

Named after Saint Korbinian to honor the founder of the Weihenstephan monastery. A tale deserving of such an incredible beer, Korbinian, while on his way to Rome allegedly found his horse slain by a bear, so ordered the bear to saddle up and carry his gear instead. The bear duly obliged, took Korbinian to Rome and waddled off back to the Black Forest afterwards.

Mahogany color with an intense aroma of candied exotic fruit paired with toasted and woody notes. An intense taste experience with a strong body. Finely tuned roasted notes of toffee, coffee and roasted almonds luxuriate in the aftertaste.

A new entrant to us for this year. Zotler are situated in the German alps at 806m above Sea Level and claim to be the oldest family owned brewery in the world. St Stephans Bock is brewed on what they refer to as Brewer's New Years' Eve (30th September).
We're looking forward to celebrating Starkbierfest with you all once again this year. Preorders are required by Friday 18th of February, and orders will be fulfilled from the end of February once the beer lands.