Whitebox Drinks - Better Canned Cocktails
25 January 2022

Even the most smartly decked out home drinks cabinet would struggle to turn out a menu of more than a handful of drinks. Similarly, not every bar has the space, time, and expertise needed to deliver a cocktail program.
Enter Whitebox Drinks, an ensemble of an all star cast from the world of the world's top cocktail bars, fine dining, distillation, design, and start ups.
The glass of a James Clay and Sons team member takes on many forms, often a Belgian Tulip or a Bavarian Stein, but frequently also a classic coupette or highball too. As imbibers of any and all of the finer side of the world of drinks we were charmed by the clever cans from the Whitebox team. We'll be listing their whole range and partnering up to deliver across the entirety of the country.

Pocket Negroni
The cocktail most guaranteed to find favour with beer fans. Rumoured to have been created by an Italian count (which one exactly, and when is up for debate) looking to beef up his favourite drink, the Americano (Bitter Aperitif, Sweet Vermouth, and Soda Water) by subbing out the Soda for Gin. You can only imagine a member of the early 20th century Florentine upper crust's face on seeing the very same drink in a cute 100ml can.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Boon Kriek, luxurious fruit, bitter tannins, and an abundance of tradition.

Freezer Martini
Hemingway claimed he never went jogging because it made him spill his martini, unfortunately he never lived to see the golden age of convenience and a martini in a can. As classic as it comes, Gin, Dry Vermouth, and Lemon Zest, stick your can in the freezer for a few hours for that shaker-fresh experience.
If I was a beer I'd be an: Augustiner Helles, simplicity, elegance, perfection. Just a handful of ingredients that when placed in the right hands turn in to delicate excellence.

Chipper's Old Fashioned
A timeless classic, and the symbol of decadent excess this Old Fashioned is a combo of New Oak Whisky, Cherrywood Bitters and Gum Sugar. Taking the opulence up a notch with a real wood label to boot.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Rochefort 10, if we're talking about a nightcap here, we may as well do it properly. The rich vanilla from the new oak cask on a par with the sheer luxury of the Rochefort 10.

Hippy Fizz
Patchouli is no longer the sole preserve of those that choose to make their own soap, in this long drink it smartly brings together Gin, a tart tropical shrub, and a hopped soda.
If I was a beer I'd be a: North Brewing Co. Atlantis, the abundant fruit combo from the Aussie and US hops in Atlantis are a perfect match for the tropical notes of Hippy Fizz.

Raspberry Apéro
A collaboration between Whitebox and noted Parisian cocktail bar Little Red Door. An easy going mix of Dry Vermouth and Raspberry Soda to go with simple snacks to start the evening.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Schneider Weisse Tap 1 Helle Weisse, light and refreshing but with a robust flavour. All we're missing here is crackers, cornichons, and charcuterie. Garçon?

Whisky Soda
The Highball, an iconic classic in Japan that deserves more attention worldwide. Good whisky, perfect ice, top with top notch soda. An excellent format for rediscovering whisky.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Hitachino Nest White Ale, difficult to describe in a different way to the highball. An icon back home, and well worthy of your time. The delicate floral notes of this Wit will sit perfectly alongside your Highball.

Disco Baby
There's more to it than meets the eye here, the low calorie classic twisted up with the addition of Watermelon and Lemon Thyme, keeping it fruity and herbaceous.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Früh Kölsch, very much in line with the theme of simplicity, but hidden within you can find similar notes of ripe green fruit and some bitter herbal character.

Tropical G&T
The traditional serve given new life with the addition of passionfruit and guava. For beer fans this story may sound familiar.
If I was a beer I'd be a: Schofferhofer Grapefruit, bringing light and joy in to any and every day.

Golden Throat Charmer
Every year we hear that it's going to be sherry's big year, but this drink could make it true for 2022. Fino, Gin, and 'Turbo' Lemonade. Complex, aromatic, but really chuggable.
If I was a beer I'd be a: La Chouffe, more drinkable than it has any right to be, with plenty of fascinating aromatics.

Chipper's Cherry Wood Old Fashioned

Style: Old Fashioned Cocktail
ABV: 32.2%